Become a Partner — Downtown Forks
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Don’t be the Town Downer, be a Downtowner! Donate now!



Help shape our downtown.

The DDA is here to advocate for,
promote, grow, and improve the
downtown community. 

downtown gf events things to do in gf


Partnership Levels

Visionary: $5,000+

Active influence in Downtown Development through the DDA

Logo on annual report, member packet and footer

Bi-annual advisory meeting with the DDA staff

*plus everything listed under Champion, Supporter and Enthusiast

Champion: $1,000 +

Rotating feature on DDA 3rd St screen

1st right of refusal for event sponsorship

Business representation at City Council meetings

Opportunity for complimentary radio advertising of activities, needs or events

*plus everything listed under Supporter and Enthusiast

quote from anne zimmer on dda impact

Supporter: $500+

Supercharge your event or need through complementary social media boosts

Promotion through email marketing to DDA list serve

Opportunity to participate in DDA committee (when available)

*plus everything listed under Enthusiast

Enthusiast: $200+

New member highlight on social media and email marketing

Listing on annual report and member packet

Business listing on website directory (page viewed 400-500 times/year)

A Downtown Grand Forks member decal for your business

Opportunities to connect with other members and partners

Co-host events on Facebook



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Downtown Forks?

Learn more about our individual Downtowner program!
