Your Guide to Parking Downtown!

There are 3,581 total parking spots in downtown Grand Forks alone! On average, we only have a 27.5% usage rate of these spots leaving plenty of places for you to park so you can shop, dine, and enjoy downtown!

Corporate Center Ramp downtown grand forks parking

Corporate Center Ramp: 55 S 5th St (South of Demers)

Monitored from 7am - 5pm, free after 5pm and weekends

Hourly: 0-2 Hrs: free, 2-4Hrs: $3, 4-6Hrs: $5    

All Day: $8.00

You must download the Passport Parking app to register your vehicle and pay. You must register your vehicle even if you are parking during the free 0-2 hours period. Be sure you do not park in a 24/7 reserved spot!

Central Ramp downtown grand forks parking

Central Ramp: 415 1st Ave N (North of Demers)

Monitored from 7am - 5pm, free after 5pm and weekends

Hourly: 0-2 Hrs: free, 2-4Hrs: $3, 4-6Hrs: $5    

All Day: $8.00

You must download the Passport Parking app to register your vehicle and pay. You must register your vehicle even if you are parking during the free 0-2 hours period. Be sure you do not park in a 24/7 reserved spot!

downtown grand forks parking map

Parking Lots

Cabela’s, River St, Riverboat Rd, City Hall Lots (after 3pm only), parking behind The Hive

No vehicle registration required


All on-street parking is 2-hour parking from 7am - 5pm and not ticketed after 5pm. No overnight parking on-street is allowed! More information can be found on the City of Grand Fork’s website below